
There are a lot of ways to boost your brand, products, and services. Besides many other options, there’s a way to promote your business or deliver your products to customers via a web-based branded game. The game can include products and services you offer, and it shows them in a Read more…

edge computing -in -pondyittrainingpondicherry

Edge Computing

Edge computing It is the process of recording, storing, processing and searching data near the client, where the data is generated, It is a new form of decentralized computing. It minimizes the distance and time the data has to travel between a client and server, and accelerates the data for Read more…

automation-training in- pondicherry

Automation Testng

Automation is a buzzword in the tech industry nowadays, and for a good reason. The fact that there are so many devices powered with software and artificial intelligence (AI) enables organizations to save time, money, and effort for team members. Why Businesses Need Automation Employees do not need to be Read more…

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What is automation? Over the past decade, Technology Automation has significantly disrupted the way we do business. Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing have left their fingerprints on virtually all organizational processes, and this evolution isn’t anywhere close to complete. Cloud computing is Read more…

Cloud computing

Cloud Computing

Current Status and Future Trends in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Cloud Computing is just like the digitization of warehousing to reduce the infrastructure cost of the companies in order to store and safeguard the data of clients. It was first introduced in 2006 when AWS (Amazon Web Services) launched and Read more…